Güzəştli Kredit

Within the framework of our cooperation with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, we offer our customers preferential loans with preferential terms at the expense of the Fund.
Soft loans are designated and targeted funds directed to the financing of investment projects of entrepreneurial entities. The interest rate of concessional loans up to AZN 10,000,000 is 5%.

Go to the link for the priority directions for granting concessional loans: https://edf.gov.az/site/priority/115

Discounted loan amounts:

  • Small volume: 5 000 - 50 000 AZN
  • Medium volume: 50,000 - 1,000,000 AZN
  • Large volume: 1 000 000 - 10 000 000 AZN

Term of the loan:

  • Small volume: up to 3 years
  • Medium volume: 3-5 years
  • Large Volume: 5-10 years
  • Grace period: Up to half of the loan term
  • Interest rate: 5%

Necessary Documents:

  • Business plan for loans larger than 200,000 manats;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • Copy of identity card;
  • Copies of documents on the place of business or property of the entrepreneur.