Equipment loans

Within the framework of our cooperation with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, we offer equipment loans to our customers on preferential terms at the expense of the Fund.

Equipment loan - provided to business subjects who want to update their existing equipment or acquire new equipment by pledging the equipment.

  • Loan amount: 5,000 – 3,000,000 AZN.
  • Loan term: up to 5 years
  • Interest rate: Up to 9% per annum
  • Grace period: up to 12 months*

*Including time required for equipment installation
Down payment: Minimum 20% of the assessed sales value of the equipment by the business entity (10% for locally produced equipment)

Necessary documents:

Business plan for loans larger than 200,000 manats;
Copy of TIN;
Copy of identity card;
Copies of documents on the place of business or property of the entrepreneur.
A copy of the equipment evaluation document;