Reputational Risk

Reputational risk is the result of the dissemination of information about banking service, customers, counter-agents, which are not controlled by the authorities in accordance with the bank's activities affecting the level of risk the bank's profitability.

The main factors that could lead to the risk of false information spread on the bank, controlled by the bank, which should be applied in cases of failure to comply with the requirements of legislation and regulations, as a result of the deterioration of the bank's financial condition of the damage growth in the management of risk factors, such as insufficiency. 

The bank's reputation in financial difficulties as a result of the risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, the customer may experience negative phenomena such as insecurity. Banks use different methods to prevent the reputation risk.

"Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan" providing services to clients with high quality, stable and reliable business partner that attaches special importance to the approval. The bank to meet the financing needs of customers and the business sector and the funds will be put to assert itself as a financial institution operating in the direction of forming a positive reputation.