“Smart Safes” are now available for corporate and card customers of “Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan” OJSC

“Smart Safe” devices put into service at “Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan” OJSC’s “İcherisheher” branch since November 2017 made it possible for natural person customers to personally deposit to their accounts money in AZN, TRY,  USD, EUR and GBP currencies without waiting in line at the cash desk. Funds deposited in the “Smart Safe” are immediately accepted by the bank and put to the current account. Thus, the self-service option which assures saving, speed and safety has accelerated the cash flow cycle of the bank and increased customer satisfaction.

Smart Safe’s operational capabilities have been expanded and made even more functional since April 2018. Now, corporate customers may deposit funds to the current accounts via Smart Safe devices. Smart Safe devices can be used both by corporate customers and by retail customers not only for current accounts but also to replenish card accounts.