Internet Banking service offered by Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan OJSC is updated

Since July of 2017 year Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan OJSC is providing internet banking services which allows its customers to use bank services without coming to the bank. The service was developed with Veripark, which is a leading software company in Turkey.

The advantages of individual operation and user panels, and priviledges of remote banking which are provided for individual and corporate customers have changed the perception of “Bank Service”.

After update of İnternet Banking service in March of current year, it is possible to carry out massive tax payments, massive salary payments and Rouble operations via the system. One of the innovations of the system is that, operations that are waiting approval could be approved due to next operation day even after cut-off hours. Double approval mechanism is applied for corporate customers. Besides, transfer documents are sealed as “accepted” and “enforced” which certifies enforcement status of operation.

Customers may enter “My payments” section of “Reports” list of İnternet Banking service for each account and view the status of recent operations on this account. “Approved” status shows completion of the operation and withdrawal of the amount from the account. This information is displayed on the statement of account.

To connect to this service, customers will come to the service structures of Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan and fill in the “Order Form” and “Contract”.