Consumer Loans

Consumer Loans intended for individual purposes

Citizenship:  Azerbaijan citizens; (Citizens of the Republic of Turkey who have permission to live and work, whose main workplace is in Azerbaijan can apply for the loan.)
Age: Minimum age for the loan is determined as 22 years. Closing date of the loan must not exceed the retirement age of the loaner.

FİFD min. 12.9%


Collateral conditions for the loan amount

≤ 25 000 AZN (or the foreign currency equivalent) - 1 individual guarantee and / or real estate collateral and / or cash collateral and / or precious / bank metal collateral
25 000 AZN-50 000 AZN (or the foreign currency equivalent) - 2 individual guarantee and / or real estate collateral and / or precious / bank metal collateral
≥50 000 AZN (or the foreign currency equivalent) - real estate collateral  and / or cash and / or precious / bank metal collateral

Up to three times the monthly net income in loan applications where the ratio of the sum of the monthly payment amount of the new loan and the monthly sums of the customer's existing and guarantor obligations to the total monthly net income does not exceed 30%, and up to two times the monthly net income if the said ratio is in the range of 35% - 45% offered without guarantee